Memory Foam: Is It For Me?

Buying a mattress can be a difficult task, given the wide array of options. There are beds that have settings for both partners, beds with gel technology, and then the good old fashioned beds with springs in them. Before you even start mattress shopping, you need to know what sort of bed you are looking for so you don’t end up spending hours trying out mattresses.
Of all of the mattress styles and types, one of the most common and most preferred is memory foam. It tops the charts in user satisfaction and restful sleep. Just like any other product, though, it’s not for everyone. But is it for you?
Memory foam mattresses are for people who…
Have back, neck, and/or joint pain
Memory foam is known for being a friend to those with joint, back, or neck pain. Memory foam technology is different from other mattress materials because it conforms specifically to your body -- firm and soft in the right places. So for people with chronic back pain, that means that the mattress doesn’t keep straight -- it moves to keep your body straight, keeping your spine aligned. The same goes for neck and joint problems. The really wonderful part of memory foam is that you don’t need to custom-order a mattress to fit your body. It conforms to your individual body, even if you were to sleep in a different position every night.
Have respiratory problems
Long-term use of a memory foam mattress has been shown to help those with respiratory problems. The individualized support helps people rest easier and breathe more easily at night, improving both their sleep and their quality of life both day and night.
Have a partner who moves a lot during the night
We love our significant others, but sleeping habits can cause quite the disruption during the night. Memory foam has the ability to absorb movement, allowing anything else on the mattress to remain untouched and undisturbed. So if your partner moves a lot as they sleep, or if you are that partner, a memory foam mattress may be able to solve your co-sleeping problems!
Are uncomfortable sleeping on spring mattresses
This one is a simple solution. Do you not sleep well on a mattress that has springs and coils for your support? Then you should try memory foam! There are many different options besides spring mattresses and memory foam, but memory foam seems to be highly preferred among consumers.
Have a latex allergy
A common alternative to a spring or memory foam mattress is a latex mattress. Unfortunately, latex can cause serious allergic reactions in some people, especially when those people sleep on latex through a whole night. Memory foam doesn’t contain any latex, making it a great option for those with a latex allergy. Memory foam is also hypoallergenic in general and dust mite-resistant, giving a lot of people, especially parents, peace of mind.
Want a wide range of options
Another great thing about memory foam mattresses is because they are so popular, there are a wide array of options in both size, price, and quality. Most brands offer memory foam options, and they even have added features on top of the memory foam. If you aren’t looking to spend a fortune on a mattress, you can still find a memory foam bed in your price range, making it a great option for just about anyone! Just remember that really cheap mattresses often reflect their price in their lack of quality.
Are looking for a low-maintenance mattress
If you hate flipping your mattress, the good news is that most mattresses sold now are built to never need a flip. The added bonus of a memory foam mattress is that it doesn’t sag like most mattresses do. Memory foam is built to restore itself to its original state after someone has slept on it, so you don’t have to worry about getting imprints of your body in your mattress after a while.
Want the biggest bang for their buck
Memory foam mattresses are one of the best bangs for your buck. Although the price might seem higher than a typical spring mattress, they last much longer, making them more of an investment that ends up being very cheap in the end. So if durability is something you value, this may be the mattress for you.
If memory foam is your perfect fit, check out a selection of memory foam mattresses to find the right one for you!
- Brandon Doyle