Developing a bedtime routine can help you feel well-rested

Have you adopted a healthy bedtime routine? It can take time and willpower, but it's absolutely worth it because you're sure to feel more rested when you wake up in the morning.
A lot of people's bedtimes look something like this: After dinner, you turn on the TV and watch a few shows. You do this, all while getting caught up on text messages, news, and social media. Then, at some point, you get a snack, turn off the TV, and head to bed. Or, maybe your nightly ritual looks a little different (hopefully it does). The problem with our example above is that it can lead to poor quality sleep.
We know many people prefer to deal with the stress of everyday life by unwinding in front of the TV. This isn't necessarily a bad thing and you can certainly do this in the evening, you just might not want to right before bed. The blue light emitted by many electronic devices can disrupt your sleep and the hormone responsible for encouraging it(melatonin). Try to turn off all of your electronic devices at least 30 minutes before heading to bed.
Now let's take a look at what a healthy bedtime routine might look like. We recommend winding down with things like a sudoku, a crossword puzzle, or reading a soothing book (nothing too exciting). You can also take time to write in a journal or create a to-do list for the morning. (Although you might want to do this 30 minutes before bed, so you're not thinking about work before turning in for the night). Once you're finished relaxing, take a warm shower or bath.
Since you should shut off your TV at least 30 minutes before going to bed, is that when your bedtime routine should start? Not necessarily. For some people, 30 minutes isn't enough time to get comfortable. Try to establish a schedule that aligns with your routine and personal needs.
What about eating before bed? Some people find that if they don't eat before bed, they end up with hunger pangs or low blood sugar overnight. Others who eat before bed get heartburn or nausea. What your body needs may be different than what someone else needs. For example, if you have acid reflux, you may be instructed not to eat 3-4 hours before bed. Others may find they can eat closer to bedtime than that recommendation. In fact, they may need to eat, so they don't get woken up by feelings of hunger.
No matter what your needs are, one important thing to keep in mind is that what you eat matters. Stay away from big meals and junk food within your bedtime window. If you're going to snack, make it a light, healthy choice. Herbal tea, like chamomile, may also be a good option. If you have questions about eating before bed and what's best for you, talk with your primary care physician.
These are just a few tips to help you develop a healthy bedtime routine. If you're not ready to make a bunch of changes right away, just start with one small change and build upon that. Also, if you're looking for a new mattress to help you rest easier, please reach out to us at Mattress Dealzz.
- Jeremiah Stettler